The OHBM Open Science Special Interest Group

Dedicated to promoting and supporting open science within our community

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Open science is an umbrella.

We're here to help grow the community supporting it.

Open data Sharing neuroimaging data isn't easy, but we can make it easier. We're interested in understanding how OHBM members share data, where they encounter difficulties, and what kinds of new infrastruce and ethics can make next-generation data-sharing possible.

Open code Analysis code is often a second-class citizen in neuroimaging research, but we can change that. We help to teach scientists best-practices in software development—and how those practices can result in real-world gains in research quality and output.

Open publishing Papers shouldn't hide behind paywalls. We want to help create solutions to enable new, open-acess platforms and to facilitate free information.

OSSIG Events

Aperture Neuro Special Issue on Open Datasets September 1st, 2024 - February 28th, 2025 Learn more

Reproducibility Challenge New challenge at OHBM 2025 Learn more

Our team 2025

The people behind the OSSIG

Stefano Moia


Affiliation: Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, Maastricht University

Wei Zhang


Affiliation: Washington University in St. Louis

Naomi Gaggi


Affiliation: New York University

Bruno Hebling Vieira

Hackathon Co-Chair

Affiliation: Department of Psychology, University of Zurich

Niousha Dehestanikolagar

Hackathon Co-Chair

Affiliation: National University of Singapore

Ju-Chi Yu

Open Science Room Chair

Affiliation: Krembil Centre for Neuroinformatics, Campbell Family Mental Health Research Institute, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

Povilas Karvelis

Hybridization Chair

Affiliation: Krembil Centre for Neuroinformatics, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

Terra Lee

Community Liason Officer

Affiliation: Department of Neuroscience, Vanderbilt University

Sarah Khalife

Local Liason Officer

Affiliation: University of Queensland

Muriah Wheelock

Chair Elect

Affiliation: Washington University in St. Louis

Eva Van Heese

Secretary Elect

Affiliation: Amsterdam University Medical Centre

Veronica Diveica

Treasurer Elect

Affiliation: Montreal Neurological Institute

Ashley York

Hackathon Co-Chair Elect

Affiliation: The University of Queensland

Yohan Wards

Hackathon Co-Chair Elect

Affiliation: The University of Queensland

James Kent

Open Science Room Chair Elect

Affiliation: University of Texas in Austin

Sungmin Ha

Hybridization Chair Elect

Affiliation: Washington University in St. Louis

Yi-Ju Lee (Jean)

Liaison from the Council

Affiliation: Institute of Statistical Science and Smart Healthcare Project, Academia Sinica

Kayla Hannon


Affiliation: Washington University in St. Louis

Sung-Ho Lee


Affiliation: Department of Neurology and Biomedical, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Andrea Gondova

Volunteer (OS-SIG guest editor for the Aperture Neuro special issue)

Affiliation: Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School

Selma Lugtmeijer

Volunteer (OS-SIG guest editor for the Aperture Neuro special issue; Lead of the proceeding submission for OSR 2024)

Affiliation: School of Psychology, Centre for Human Brain Health, University of Birmingham

Sina Mansour

Volunteer (OS-SIG guest editor for the Aperture Neuro special issue)

Affiliation: Centre for Sleep and Cognition, National University of Singapore

Yu-Fang Yang

Volunteer (Lead of the proceeding submission for OHBM BrainHack 2023)

Affiliation: Division of Experimental Psychology and Neuropsychology, Department of Education and Psychology, Freie Universität Berlin

Anibal Solon

Volunteer (Lead the proceeding submission for OHBM BrainHack 2023)

Affiliation: Department of Psychology & Department of Computer Science, The University of Texas at Austin