Make a difference: join the OS SIG!
Application for the OHBM Open Science Special Interest Group (OS SIG) volunteers for OHBM 2025 are OPEN!!!
The open-science movement is one of the best things happening in neuroscience. Hackathons, open-science room, new tools and methods, reproducibility and reliability, open access and inclusivity: the OS SIG is the place where it’s all happening!
If open-science excites you and you want to help push its frontiers, we have filled all positions for 2025, but please consider joining us as volunteers!
Early career researchers, BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and people from outside Europe and North America especially encouraged to apply!
Available volunteer positions
Nominations for volunteering is now open, consider joining the us!
If you are interested in volunteering for any position below, please contact us via e-mail.
General Volunteering
Dates: Throughout the year
- Helping the core planning team with miscellaneous tasks
- Nominations will be open soon, consider joining the core planning team!
Social Media Engagement
Core skills: Twitter Dates: Throughout the year
- Tweet polls to engage with the community and advertise events.
Website Design
Core skills: JavaScript Dates: Throughout the year Time commitment: 1-3 hours
- Improve the design of the website
OSR & BrainHack Volunteering
Dates: During OHBM 2025 Format: in-person or virtually
- Helping the core planning team with miscellaneous tasks including:
- Polishing website
- Engaging Social Media
- Running the event(s)
- Take care of DouYu (I speak Chinese)
- Prep the materials
- I’m game for anything